Icing On The Ring Couple: Tiffany & Lester

1. How long have you two been together?

We have been together since December 2015, so 4 years this December.

2. How did Lester propose? Was it a surprise?

I knew Lester had the ring, but I didn’t know when he was going to propose. I remember it was during my spring break (I am a teacher). I would call my girlfriends and tell them how irritated I was because he wasn’t going to do it before I went back to work. Little did I know he had been plotting with my best friends all along.

“When he came back out, all I remember hearing is screaming from all my girls. He handed me roses and got down on one knee!”

My friend, Goody, asked all the girls if we would come to dinner at Orange County Mining Company to celebrate her husband’s promotion. We agreed. If you’ve been to this restaurant, you know it has a beautiful view. The group decided to go outside and take some pictures, while Lester left to go use the restroom. When he came back out, all I remember hearing is screaming from all my girls. He handed me roses and got down on one knee!

3. What was your reaction?

All I kept thinking was, “He really has done it? He planned this?” I was so confused and excited at the same time. I just couldn’t believe we finally took this massive step in our relationship, and he made it happen. So, of course, I said yes, and here we are!

4. Tell us about the ring!

I had seen a friend recently get engaged, and she had a Tacori ring. It was beautiful! When Lester asked me if I’d like to go ring shopping, I was immediately stuck to the computer researching and reading through reviews. I like to say I have a Type A personality and go above and beyond in most things in my life. The ring was no different – I obsessively watched videos on different cuts, clarity, and styles.

“I loved the Tacori setting: the basket had a vintage design, and I liked the three-prong design. I was also grateful that they were willing to customize the ring to my desire. . .”

We went to LA every weekend for about 3 weeks and scoured through several shops. I must have tried on a few dozen different styles. When we walked into Icing on the Ring, I immediately loved the vibe. Ani was helping us, and she just made the whole process so comfortable. She didn’t try and “sell” me, but only gave me options and suggestions. I loved the Tacori setting: the basket had a vintage design, and I liked the three-prong design. I was also grateful that they were willing to customize the ring to my desire. The original design had 4 or 5 prongs to hold the diamond, but I knew I wanted three in a triangle point design.

We settled to get my ring there, and then we had to decide on a diamond. We spent about 4 hours in the office with me staring into the mini microscope and Lester saying, “It’s up to you, babe.” Ahhh, it was such an incredible afternoon when we finalized everything, and all I had to do was wait for things to fall into place finally.

5. Tell us about your wedding day!

When people ask us about when we got married, we have to explain that we technically got married here in Orange, CA with all our friends and family, but my “real” wedding was our elopement to Santorini. Yes, we had two weddings. We love to travel, and a destination wedding has always been my dream. Ever since we went to Europe together, I knew Santorini was where I wanted to get married. We both agreed that we needed to also have something here for the older generation in our families that would not make a flight across the world.

Wedding #1: Orange, CA

We got married at Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA on June 22, 2019, and our reception was held at the Vintage Rose in Orange, CA. It was such a beautiful day, and we were so happy to celebrate with our family and friends finally. We had a guest list of about 250 people, so the day definitely flew by! I remember feeling so nervous about standing in front of everyone at the church and saying our vows, but it was so fun. Our pastor even surprised us by giving us a chance to say personal vows in front of everyone, and Lester’s face lit up in horror. At the reception, we were able to incorporate our love for travel with our mini globe guestbook and photos.

Wedding #2: Oia, Santorini

We decided to travel to Europe again for our honeymoon, and of course, Santorini was one of the stops. We only planned to take photos there, but the more we discussed it, we really wanted to make it memorable. I scoured through Instagram for photographers, inspiration, videographers, make-up artists, hairstylists, and florists. Luckily, @lighthousephotography_gr and @idofilmsglobal were available to document our special day. Soon after, everything started falling into place again! The day of our destination wedding, our photographers/videographer picked us up to take photos with amazing natural backdrops of the sea and cliffs in the Santorini community of Oia.

We also called @canavesoia literally the day before, and we asked if we could have dinner there to use their balcony for photos. They went above and beyond to reserve time and space for us, even at the last minute. After taking photos on the panoramic balcony, they left us to have our reception dinner celebration.

I remember thinking to myself that I couldn’t believe this was our life right now. All my dreams had come true, and it was thanks to this special man and the great team in Santorini. I am grateful for

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