The Fascination of Diamonds

or centuries these gemstones have captivated people with their unique qualities and beauty and the same can be said about our love for these jewels today. We seek out diamond jewelry, wear diamond jewelry, and present our companions with diamonds to express our everlasting love but where exactly did our fascination for diamonds come from? To find this out, we must go back in time to the discovery of the precious stones.

History of Diamonds

The name “diamond” comes from the Ancient Greek language meaning “proper, unbreakable, and unalterable.” These beautiful jewels were not discovered until around 6,000 years ago in India. Early references to diamonds are in ancient Sanskrit texts which depict the stones being treasured as religious items and engraving tools, much as we do today. As time developed, diamond mines were found throughout the world allowing the diamonds to be more accessible to many more people, securing their place in our lives.

“This means that the diamonds you wait so long to finally receive have actually been waiting even longer for you.”

Diamond Composition

While a diamond is the hardest substance on earth, it is actually made from one simple element, carbon. When carbon is put under enormous pressure and heat within the earth’s crust, a beautiful diamond is born. Every natural diamond on earth is billions of years old, forming long before the dinosaurs roamed our earth. This means that the diamonds you wait so long to finally receive have actually been waiting even longer for you.

Diamonds as a Symbol

Diamonds have held enormous influence over humans from the time of their first discovery. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that diamonds were tears of from Gods that had fallen to the earth which Hindus placed the gemstones in the eyes of their deities statues. They soon became symbols of purity, beauty, life, power, love, and hope. In medieval times, diamonds were believed to have magical abilities and were thus worn on the armor of kings as symbols of protection.

The most common use of the diamond as a traditional engagement ring stone was actually not seen until 1477. Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy who wore the ring on the third finger of the left hand. Ancient Egyptians started the tradition of placing a ring on this finger as it contained a vein that ran directly to the heart, making it the perfect symbol of commitment and love.

Use of Diamonds in Our Modern World

The popularity of diamonds has risen significantly in the last few centuries because of the increased supply, improved cutting and polishing techniques, and growth in the world economy. Because diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds, the gems maintain their elegant polish extremely well which makes them well-suited for daily use. Their strength and sustainability have left diamonds as the go-to choice for engagement and wedding rings.
Diamonds have captivated humans since their initial discovery and your choice in diamond jewelry will surely captivate whoever receives these elegant gifts. Here at Icing On The Ring, we will help you choose the piece that will dazzle her for a lifetime.

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